Call for Live Demos
If you're interested in submitting to the Live Demonstration Track, here’s what you need to know! Your title should start with “Live Demonstration:” followed by the topic of your demo. The submission itself should be no more than one page and include these sections: Abstract, Keywords, Demonstration Setup, Visitor Experience, Conclusions, and References. Keep in mind—submissions over one page will be automatically rejected.
Make sure to follow the same formatting guidelines as regular submissions for the title, author info, abstract, and keywords. There’s a special template just for this track, which you can find here. If your submission is accepted, it will be included in the conference proceedings but won’t appear in IEEE Xplore or be indexed.
You also have the option to submit a full-length paper to the regular tracks, which will be reviewed separately. If your demo is accepted, you’ll have the option to upload a 15-minute pre-recorded video (which will go on the IEEE Sensors Council YouTube channel), sign a copyright form, and present your demo interactively at the conference. The video won’t be made public until the event.
When you’re ready, submit your demo via Epapers - Coming Soon!